Tuesday, 7 February 2012

          Qualities of a Skillful Presenter

                        جرنلسٹ نسیم انور خٹک 

Being a skillful presenter takes a lot more than preparation and practice. Good presenters also possess certain qualities. Do you have these qualities? Study the following list and put a check next to the ones you possess. No individual will meet all the points, but the successful presenter will make a conscious effort to continually improve her presentation skills.
1. Self-control: Skillful presenters remain in control, regardless of what happens. They don't let internal or external forces ruin their presentation.
2. Poise: Not only is it important for a presenter to know her presentation content, she also must be perceived as someone who knows the subject matter about which she is speaking.
3. Awareness of people, time and place: A good presenter will be cognizant not only of the people attending her presentation, but also of the most convenient time and place for them. A good presenter starts her presentation on time and ends on time.
4. Tact: Tasteless comments or jokes are bound to hurt individuals, as well as the presentation. Tactfulness is an important trait for all presenters. If in doubt, remain silent.
5. Decisiveness: Allowing participants to ask questions means that the presenter must be quick on her feet, able to process the question, facilitate group responses and provide ''suggested" answers.
6. Persuasiveness: A presenter is usually trying to get an audience to act or think in a specific way. In order to be successful, you must be persuasive.
7. Enthusiasm: If you can't exude true enthusiasm for the topic you are presenting, then you can't expect your audience to be enthusiastic either.
8. Honesty and directness: If your presentation deals with an unpopular or controversial subject, being honest and direct may be difficult. In the long run, honesty - no matter how painful - will pay off. These two attributes also affect your credibility.
9. Flexibility: Professional presenters should avoid being too rigid with timing issues. It is important to allow the audience's interaction to occur naturally, without presenter time constraints.
Delivering an interesting, attention-holding presentation requires more than standing in front of your audience and reciting what you've rehearsed. It requires constant coordination of content, delivery and audience interaction. If you do not posses any of the above traits, don't worry. These qualities are not born with and can be trained. Don't give up and you will definitely be a skillful presenter.

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