Friday, 15 April 2016


Interpretive reporting often involves the same skills but takes the interpretation to a different level.
The fundamental difference between the two is that original investigative reporting uncovers information not before gathered by others in order to inform the public of events or circumstances that might affect their lives.
Interpretive reporting is as a result of careful thought and analysis of an idea as well as dogged pursuit of facts to bring together information in a new, more complete context which provides deeper public understanding.
Investigative reporting as it were could be vague and may make no cogent or reasonable meaning to its reader or general public without a thorough interpretive reporting a case in point is the New York Times publication of the pentagon papers in 1971.
The paper themselves were a secret study obtained by an investigative journalist who cover the American involvement in Vietnam War, this was written by the government reporter Neil Sheehan.
Then a team of New York Times reporters and editors’ expert in foreign policy and the Vietnam War interpreted and organized the documents into a dramatic account of public deception.
Without this synthesis and interpretation, the pentagon papers would have meant little to most of the public.

In this case the investigative reporters created a platform on which the interpretive journalist could build.
That is while the investigative reporters dig deep and bring to fore a matter, the interpretive journalists in synergy dig deeper and unravel what was initially exposed by the former.
It is also important to note that while timeliness play an important role in the investigative reporter, that is time is involved in bringing out the news in a matter being investigated, more time is required in interpreting such findings.
Also, whereas the investigative reporter could work in isolation and be nosy about gathering his\her information, the interpretive reporters depend on others who are experts in various beats or non journalist professionals to arrive at an acceptable conclusion, hear editors, sub editors and other professional on the subject matter are co opted.
While a lot of respect and kudos and recognition is given to an investigative reporter who is through stint of investigation is able to give news that are timely and make good editorials and headlines  the same can not be said of the interpreter who sometimes are maligned  by other professionals as being polemics rather than journalism, some were accused as activists rather than journalists a case in point was the paper reporting of the jumbo pay to legislators, this was reported as a passing phrase by the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria to buttress his point while presenting his paper on the Economic fortunes.

Of the nation Nigeria, this was widely reported over time by most  newspaper, a follow up by  interpreting this would make a better news and this will further enlighten and educate the masses, but it is a sorry case that there is no harmony between the investigative reporters and the interpreter as there is low level of synergy and convergence within the media houses in nation, Nigeria as all are individualistic in nature merely elking to earn a living mostly through patronage of individuals, corporate and government organs and parastatals.
No authentic journalist can claim without lying that he\she is unconcerned with issues confronting his community, whether it be nation or state or local government of his birth, thus investigative reporting is a special reporting and more thorough than news reporting as in interpretation reporting which according to Lester Markel, editor of Sunday New York Times gives news depth and with care.
News refreshed with background materials to make it comprehensive and meaningful.
Interpretive reporting derives its objective judgment based on background knowledge and information provided by investigative reporter.
courtesy online blogger