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Thursday, 29 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Online Journalism
Online journalism refers to news content produced and/or distributed via the Internet, particularly material created by journalists who work for mainstream market driven news organizations.
Online journalism is vastly changing
· the way news is brought to the reader,
· As well as news itself.
Traditional news mediums – TV, radio and newspapers may be starting to take the backseat.
The respective attributes of the mainstream media have been transformed into one source through online journalism and computer-assisted reporting (CAR).
TV and radio
· Real time
· Audience witnesses or listens to news as it happens.
· TV also offers video footage of events, while radio offers sound.
Traditional print media
· Voices through the written word
· Visuals through a still picture
· Convenience of accessibility anywhere without the need for technology such as a TV, radio, or computer
· Not time sensitive for the reader. A newspaper can be read at any time of the day whereas, with TV and radio, unless you are at a channel or station which is strictly news, you must be listening or watching at the programmed time that is slotted for news.
However, all three of these mediums are linear, each one offering only one path the reader can go, or one way in which they can receive the news.
1. Non-linear
· Able to receive the advantages of all three mediums
· Video, sound and text can be available in one place, from one source
· You can
o Go to a news website
o Browse through a story
o Listen to an interview and
o Watch video footage, you are not restricted to one medium.
2. No time or space restraints
Also no time or space restraints in online journalism like there are in all three of the other mediums. Numerous interviews, documents as well as unlimited background information can be included on a news site as there is no stress about air time or column space.
3. Tools for Online Reporters
Through hyperlinks (links), bring the reader to
· different sources
· related stories
· And supporting documents.
Links allow the reader to get more information about what they are reading with the simple click of a mouse. The reader can be taken from page to page within the website they are visiting, which are referred to as internal links; or to a completely different site with related information, through the use of external links. This gives the reader the advantage of having information from various different sources, and a lot of the time, many different viewpoints on one issue.
4. Researching is faster and reasonable
· Much faster than the traditional ways of researching, or looking up documents and other articles.
· With other media, spending hours in the journalistic “morgue” pouring over old newspapers and searching through numerous books or scanning through tapes.
· With internet information as fast as your modem allows, and no photocopying or taping is involved, all you need is a printer to spit out your very own copy.
5. RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds
This tool uses software downloaded onto your computer to compile news stories in a condensed form.
Many different news sites contain a feature which lets you sign up for their contributions to the program. Once you have signed up, the contents of the site are available to you. This tool uses “push technology,” which means the information it gathers is available to you with the most recent stories always appearing at the top, pushing the rest further down. This enables you to bring up the program and scan through headlines, plus a short summary of the top stories of the day. This technology allows you to get an intake of the day’s news in very little time. You do not have to search multiple sites; it puts everything right in front of you. You can simply scan through the list to get the gist of what’s going on in the world, and if you pass over something which you’d like to read more about, with a click of the mouse, it takes you to the full story on the site which it appeared.
6. Blogs
Blogging, also called web logging, is a web-based journal a tool which brings the journalist and their audience closer. Blogging has been growing ever more popular among the top media organizations around the world and their reporters. This is because it lets the reader in behind the scenes, so to speak.
Blogs are often used
· To give additional information about a story,
· and to let the reader come along in the processes of researching, interviewing and writing a story.
Blogs also let the public get a sense of who the journalist is. They are often written in a much less structured way than articles and personal opinions and biases can be exposed. However, this does not seem to be a negative thing. In all reality it can humanize the journalist in the reader’s eyes and allow them to see who the journalist really is. This can in turn lead the reader to appreciate and trust the journalist to a larger extent.
7. Online Chats
Online chats based around issues and events in the news are becoming more popular as the mainstream media has started to adopt them. News sites have the ability to obtain chat software to host and facilitate chats, which are open to the public. This allows the public to get involved in their community and discuss and exchange ideas. This gives media organizations the chance to help the community become more proactive and productive, instead of simply being the bearers of bad news. The chats are in real time, and can be just like holding a public meeting. They can even be more productive than an in-person meeting, as people tend to have more courage in speaking their mind, and sharing their ideas when they are speaking through a computer instead of a microphone.
8. Online Forums
8. Online Forums
Another channel used to achieve this interactivity is online forums. This is where a virtual message board is put online with different “threads” or topics of discussion available for everyone to participate in. While chats are in real time, forums allow people to read comments and ideas, think them over, and reply. They encourage longer and more thoughtful comments and responses, and supply more time for discussion than a chat would.
9. Solution oriented
Both online chats and online forums are taking journalism another step closer to being solution-oriented rather than stating facts and pointing fingers. They are encouraging and allowing the community to get involved. But, even without these tools, the public is getting ever more involved with the news, and having more of a say in what should and shouldn’t be covered.
10. Bridging gap between reader and journalist
A revolution is happening within the field of journalism, through the power of the internet and it is turning the reader and the journalist into one. News sites have been popping up over the past year which allow for the public to take charge of their news. In some cases, the public is responsible for the content of the site, which means they decide what is covered, and who is interviewed, and they write the stories. This helps build a strong relationship between the media and the community, as well as giving the community a chance to express itself in its own way. This allows for personal journalism as well. It gives a voice to the groups which are typically ignored by the mass media, such as ethnic groups and gay and lesbians. It gives everyone the chance to tell their story, the stories of their family, community, work place, school, church, etc. It ensures that the community is armed with the information that they feel is vital.
However, it doesn’t even need to go that far to get the public involved. It can be as simple as a letter to the editor, or a comments and questions. Often times with large newspapers, space is a precious commodity. Submitted stories and letters to the editor can get bogged down, and weeks can pass before they can be squeezed in to the publication. An online news website has complete freedom in terms of space. There is room for everything that is submitted and has merit, so there is no waiting. The point the reader wants to get across is put out immediately. Instant feedback is another advantage. The reader can look over the site, read the articles, and if they have a suggestion, question or complaint, an e-mail can be sent off immediately. This helps the news organization as well, as they can take these suggestions and make adjustments and improvements constantly and quickly.
However, it doesn’t even need to go that far to get the public involved. It can be as simple as a letter to the editor, or a comments and questions. Often times with large newspapers, space is a precious commodity. Submitted stories and letters to the editor can get bogged down, and weeks can pass before they can be squeezed in to the publication. An online news website has complete freedom in terms of space. There is room for everything that is submitted and has merit, so there is no waiting. The point the reader wants to get across is put out immediately. Instant feedback is another advantage. The reader can look over the site, read the articles, and if they have a suggestion, question or complaint, an e-mail can be sent off immediately. This helps the news organization as well, as they can take these suggestions and make adjustments and improvements constantly and quickly.
· One point is that the Internet provides a gateway to complete anonymity. It is said that anyone with a modem can become a journalist and names, as well as entire organizations can be made up, and who’s to say that the articles are not fake, or invalid as well.
· Even well known news organizations have the potential to give unreliable information through links. When linking to another site, they could be leading the reader to false information, as it may be hard to find out if the information on that site is in fact accurate.
· The viewpoint is that with much irrelevant stuff floating around the Internet, how could any reliable and quality information get squeezed in?
· Another issue that comes up is that while one of the major advantages to online journalism is the speed with which news can be pumped out to the public the rate of errors increases. When information is flowing through so fast, and stories are being pounded out in a hurry, carelessness and oversight can come into play. It has been said that in the need for speed, steps can be missed, and copy editing can go down the tubes. This leads to distrust and a loss of credibility from the public.
But, despite the disadvantages of online journalism, readers of online publications are on the rise.
· The readership is at the level now where news organizations are actually starting to require a paid membership to view the contents of their site.
· News websites of larger media organizations are beginning to require a subscription, just like a newspaper subscription. Readers are sometimes given the first paragraph or two of an article, but are asked to sign up for a monthly subscription for a fee if they wish to obtain the rest of the article. In some cases no access is granted to articles without payment.
So will online news eventually eclipse the traditional print news? There are two sides to the answer. Some say yes, that online news is faster, and offers more resources and options than print, but others argue that there are still many people who like the feel of an actual newspaper in their hands, and enjoy physically flipping the pages while sitting at the breakfast table with a coffee, not having to sit in front of their computer in the early hours of the morning, with mouse in hand. However, only time will tell.
History of Develoment Communication
Development Communication,
The art and science of human communication linked to a society's planned transformation from a state of poverty to one of dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equity and the larger unfolding of individual potential.
The theory and practice of development communication continues to evolve today, with different approaches and perspectives unique to the varied development contexts the field has grown in.Development communication is characterized by conceptual flexibility and diversity of communication techniques used to address the problem. Some approaches in the “tool kit” of the field include: information dissemination and education, behavior change, social marketing, social mobilization, media advocacy, communication for social change, and participatory development communication.
The theories and practices of development communication sprang from the many challenges and opportunities that faced development oriented institutions in the last century. And since these institutions existed in different contexts, different schools of development communication have arisen in different places over time.Manyozo (2006) suggests that the history field can be broken down into those of six different schools of development communication, with the Bretton Woods school being the dominant paradigm in international literature, and the other schools being the Latin American, Indian, Los Baños, African,and the participatory development communication schools.
The growing interest for these kind of applications is also reflected in the work of the World Bank, which is very active in promoting this field through its Development Communication division and recently (June 2008) published the Development Communication Sourcebook, a resource addressing the history, concepts and practical applications in this discipline.
The Bretton Woods school
The "Bretton Woods school of development communication" is a term that has been applied to the development communication approaches that arose with the economic strategies outlined in the Marshall Plan after World War two, and the establishment of the Bretton Woods system and of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in 1944. The descriptive term is not widely used in the field, but has been used to differentiate between different "schools" or approaches to development which have historically evolved, sometimes independently, at later points in history and in other parts of the world.Leading theorists under this school included Daniel Lerner, Wilber Schramm, and Everett Rogers. Due to his pioneering influence in the field, Rogers has often been termed the "father of development communication."Originally, the paradigm involved production and planting of development in indigenous and uncivilized societies. This western approach to development communication was criticized early on, especially by Latin American researchers such as Luis Ramiro Beltan and Alfonso Gumucio Dagron, because it tended to locate the problem in the underdeveloped nation rather than its unequal relations with powerful economies. There was also an assumption that Western models of industrial capitalism are appropriate for all parts of the world. Many projects for development communication failed to address the real underlying problems in poor countries such as lack of access to land, agricultural credits and fair market prices for products.
Failure of many development projects in the 1960s led to it reconceptualizing its top-down methods. (Manyozo, 2006) The school has reviewed its approaches over the years and has been the most dynamic in testing and adopting new approaches and methodologies.
The world bank currently defines development communication as the "integration of strategic communication in development projects" based on a clear understanding of indigenous realities.
Institutions associated with the Bretton Woods school include:
- the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
- the Rockefeller Foundation,
- the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom, and
- the Ford Foundation.
Latin America
The Latin American School of Development traces its history back further than the Bretton Woods school, emerging in the 1940s with the efforts of Colombia's Radio Sutatenza and Bolivia's Radios Mineras. These stations were the first to use participatory and educational rural radio approaches to empowering the marginalised. In effect, they have since served as the earliest models for participatory broadcasting efforts around the world.In the 1960s Paolo Freire's theories of critical pedagogy and Miguel Sabido's enter-educate method became important elements of the Latin American development communication scene.
Other theorists who have influenced this school include Juan Diaz Bordenave, Luis Ramiro Beltran, and Alfonso Gumucio Dagron. (Mayonzo 2006, Mayonzo, 2005)
In the 1990s, technological advances facilitated social change and development – new media outlets began to emerge, cable TV signal coverage spread over more regions, and as the presence of communication firms grew so did an echoed global trend from major corporations.
The history of organised development communication in India can be traced to rural radio broadcasts in the 1940s. As is logical, the broadcasts used indigenous languages such as Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and Kannada.Independent India'ss earliest organized experiments in development communication started with Community Development projects initiated by the union government in the 1950s. The government, guided by socialistic ideals of its constitution and the first generation of politicians, started massive developmental programmes throughout the country. While field publicity was given due importance for person-to-person communication - also because the level of literacy was very low in rural areas - radio played an equally important role in reaching messages to the masses. Universities and other educational institutions - especially the agricultural universities, through their extension networks - and international organisations under the UN umbrella carried the dev-comm experiments further.
Development communication in India, a country of sub-continental proportions, acquires many connotations. On one end of the spectrum are the tools and techniques locally applied by charitable and not-for-profit organisations with very close inter-personal relations among the communicators and on the other end is the generic, far-off, one-way sort of communication emanating from the government.
The need for development communication continues since a large population, over 600 million, lives in rural areas and depends directly on agriculture. Poverty is reducing as percentage of population but still over 200 million are very poor as of 2009. They all, and the urban slum dwellers, need government support in different forms. Therefore, communication from the government remains highly relevant. In addition to the traditional ways, a new form of communication is being tried by the union government to support its developmental activities, though at a limited scale. Called Public Information Campaigns, public shows are organised in remote areas where information on social and developmental schemes is given, seminars and workshops are held, villagers and their children are engaged in competitions, messages are given through entertainment shows. In addition, government organisations and corporates involved in rural businesses display their wares and services in stalls lining the main exhibition area. This approach brings various implementing agencies and service / goods providers while the information providers encourage the visitors to make the best use of various schemes and services available. Some state [=provincial] governments have also adopted this model to take their development schemes to the masses.
Community radio is another new medium getting a foothold in rural India, though in patches. NGOs and educational institutions are given licence to set up a local community radio station to broadcast information, advisories and messages on developmental aspects. Participation of local community is encouraged. As community radio provides a platform to villagers to broadcast local issues, it has the potential to elicit positive action from local politicians and civil servants.
The African school of development communication sprang from the continent's post-colonial and communist movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Development communication in Anglophone Africa saw the use of Radio and theatre for community education, adult literacy, health and agricultural education.In 1994 the FAO project "Communication for Development in Southern Africa" was a pioneer in supporting and enhancing development projects and programs through the use of participatory communication approaches. The FAO project, placed under SADC, developed an innovative methodology known as PRCA - Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal, which combined participatory tools and techniques with a strong communication focus needed to design strategies enhancing projects' results and sustainability. FAO and SADC published a handbook on PRCA and this methodology is still widely used today in various projects around the world.
Meanwhile, radio was being developed as a means of promoting rural development in Francophone Africa, with sponsorship from the Bretton Woods school institutions. (Kamlongera, 1983, Mlama, 1971, Mayonzo 2006, Mayonzo, 2005)
University of the Philippines Los Baños
The systematic study and practice of Development Communication in the Philippines began in the 1970s with the pioneering work of Nora C. Quebral, who, in 1972 became the first to come up with the term "Development Communication." In at least some circles within the field, it is Quebral who is recognized as the "Mother" of Development Communication.Quebral's work with the University of the Philippines Los Banos' Office of Extension and Publications evolved into today's College of Development Communication, which in 1971 became the first to offer degree programs at the Doctorate, Masteral's and Undergraduate degree levels.
Aspects of development communication which the CDC has extensively explored include Development Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Development Journalism, Educational Communication, Science Communication, Strategic Communication, and Health Communication.
Cybernetics approach
Another area of exploration for the CDC at UPLB is the aspect of development communication relating to the information sciences, the decision sciences, and the field of knowledge management. In 1993, as part of the then Institute of Development Communication's Faculty papers series, Alexander Flor wrote a paper on environmental communication that, among other things, proposed a definition of Development Communication expanded from the perspective of cybernetics and general systems theory
If information counters entropy and societal breakdown is a type of entropy, then there must be a specific type of information that counters societal entropy. The exchange of such information - be it at the individual, group, or societal level - is called development communication.
The fundamental objective of DSC, is to communicate the latest skills, knowledge and innovation to the agriculturists so that by adopting them the agriculturists may increase their output manifold. In this connection three vital groups are identified which are as follows:
(1) Innovation or Knowledge generation.
(2) The political leaders or government of the state.
(3) Users of the knowledge or agriculturists.
A very close interaction is necessary among the three groups as mentioned above, to achieve the success of development support communication.
International Communication - the intellectual field that deals with issues of mass communication at a global level - is sometimes also called development communication. This field includes the history of the telegraph, submarine communication cables, shortwave or international broadcasting, satellite television, and global flows of mass media. Today it includes issues of the Internet in a global perspective and the use of new technologies such as mobile phones in different parts of the world.
Causes and Effect Of development Comm.
Understanding ‘causes’ and ‘effect’ is an important stage of development. It involves understanding the connection between an action and a consequence. For example, looking at and reaching for their cup then looking at their parent, and repeating this until their action (looking and reaching) results in the consequence . It is an intentional action.
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